okay...i will start things off with an image that i completed the other night, after feeling the need to do something with a set of small sketches that i'd completed at work. here are the simple sketches, done in pencil and from life:
so i decided that a fabric pattern would be fun, and remembered that there is a website called bonbonkakku.com that hosts monthly fabric design contests. if your design is chosen, you receive much yardage of fabric printed in said design, and it will also become available in their shop. seems fun, although i haven't actually gone through and checked everything out thoroughly...we'll see.
after fiddling with illustrator, the basic pattern came out looking like this:
(superzoom detail)
of course, i live trace everything. but my love of the effect hasn't worn off yet, so please bear with me.
now, i know that you've both probably glanced at this already, and jimmy has even been so kind as to have said a couple of things about it, but would you mind, for old time's sake, pointing out a strength and a weakness?
i'll have something new (and hopefully a bit more substantial) soon.
Strength: It's awesome.
And by that I mean that the drawings are as simple as possible, but still convey the full sense of volume and form convincingly. Not an easy thing to do.
Weakness:....um...maaaybe in the big pattern the lines are a little too weak and faint. Although you know what, that will probably go away once it is printed out full-scale. So kinda nevermind.
thanks! line weight is a bit of a concern, yes...it looks ok in the pdf format, but i'm wondering how it'll go with printing. ah well. :o)
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