Monday, August 31, 2009

Revisions and new stuff

It's been a productive week here. I've been trying to finish up the last of these summer spots.

First things first,
I was unhappy with my Master and Margarita spot:

so I went with a simpler method and revised it to this:

While I still like some qualities of the first one, I think the simplicity needed to be stressed for the intended size of this piece.

If you took a look at the site in the past few days, you may have seen a new fish floating around:

which I then attempted to make into a book cover with the following steps:

(and while I find that last step to be very clean, it just wasn't "me" enough,
so I re-did the type by hand, and changed to a more consistent color scheme:

And finally, a new spot about the decline in honey bees, now speculatively attributed to a string of viruses:

and the final:

More to come soon, I'm sure.
Have a good night :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Spots with Progress

Here's the first batch of our 8-spot summer homework.

I'll start with somewhat of an illustration no-no. I came up with the image first and then assigned a suitable topic to it.

Here are the sketches:

and the final:

In the end I decided it was a spot about gun control...sure.

A couple of these just focus on a single author or book, as opposed to an idea or article.
The first story is "The Turn of the Screw" by american author Henry James. The story takes place at an estate in England, and features a governess who's duty is to protect her students from a pair of ghosts (the student's former caretakers).
The idea is pretty straightforward here:
turn of the screw sketches

Another book I've chosen is "The Master and Margarita" by Maikhail Bulgakov.
The novel is metaphorically anti-communist, in which the devil appears in Russia, accompanied by his minions (the most prominent of which is a large black cat), and wreaks general havoc. I started with the idea of a satanic communist cat and this thing pretty much drew itself.

cat sketch

This last one is my favorite so far.
It's about Marcel Proust's series "In Search of Lost Time/ Remembrance of Things Past", particularly the first book, "Swann's Way". The entire story takes place within the narrator's memory of his childhood home village, which is summoned by the taste of a familiar tea cake. Once again, it's a pretty straight-forward metaphor:

proust sketch
which became:
proust final

and finally, with a digitally-added background color,

More soon.

Monday, June 29, 2009


yesterday, i completed a little (really--it's quite tiny) painting for a mr. thomas h. cook, who heads the richard c. von hess foundation:

it's of both the state flower and state insect of pennsylvania.

i finished this other drawing a week or so ago, after i discovered that heliconius melpomene, the butterfly called "the postman," was named as such due to their tendency to follow the same flight path every day. clever little insect:

the forewing shapes are a bit off, but that's just what you get when you try to draw something from memory. mark tocchet would be disappointed in me.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


It's been yonks.

I drew jimmy. For fun. :)

I've tried so many times, and I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with his tricky, tricky likeness. It's still not as good as it could be, but it's the best that I have yet achieved.

This, as well as a few other drawings, live inside of my handmade sketchbook:

Hopefully it will last me throughout the summer, and my execution of the coptic bind will prove competent enough for it to hold together. I'm glad that I chose to sew a couple of signatures of kraft paper inside--I like having options.

I hope to get my booty in gear, and actually complete some finished pieces soon!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Science poster of sience

My final assignment for Illustration methods. It had to be anything based on a trip to the museum.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's been so long... But I guess I finally have something to show, so here are some book covers:

um...oh, and here's the one-day project from Matt's class, my assignment was to illustrate a weekly diet:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

i'm not dead!
i'll have something to show for myself soon

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bindin' for the woman.

I made 10 books yesterday.

My idea of a marketable artist's product that features my supergirly pattern:

Also, my How-To manual:

Sorry for the shoddy photos!

Workin' for the man

Well I guess I should show you all what I've been working on. It's not the type of thing I usually do, but a shipping company is paying me an enjoyable amount of money to make a cheesy super-hero comic promotion for them:

And that was my spring break.
More "Jimmy" stuff later, hopefully.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's been a long week but the workload is finally letting up. Here are a few products of my labors:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Making something of nothing.

Long time know.

Narrative assignment finish:

process, process, process.

Drawn elements for a how-to guessed it--how to be a lepidopterist! :P

To be printed and bound in a pamphlet-structure book by Monday.

I never posted these, although they were probably spotted on my Flickr:

And the last bit, a pattern that I made in today's class with Matt:
tea time!
I'm does what I wanted it to. :)