Wednesday, December 24, 2008


My present to Mom:

(click for larger version)
It's our house, by the way

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hey, wait...

I still exist too!

My work has been a bit crumby as of late, but I've been fulfilling assignments, I suppose:

Part of Matt's final: a spot illustration for a National Geographic article about Alfred Russel Wallace.

Potential layout for a portfolio site. I think that I'll put it couldn't hurt.

The finish for Mark's final, an illustration for the quote, "Why's it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon?"

Jimmy's birthday present.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

a bigger version here

the fish in the upper right is labeled "walel"
the hummingbird in the lower left is labeled "harmonicas"
I'm labeled "hibernation"

i um finally finished something

i wanted to wait until i could take a better picture without such sloppy lighting
but in the meantime, it looks like this


Guys...this blog needs some defibrillation.
I'll do my best to resuscitate it with some end-of-semester finals

and a remodeled website

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Just pretend that last post never happened, here's a revision: